The Thermodynamics of Chromatography

Thermodynamics Basics

The Analysis of the Standard Energy of Distribution

Distribution of Standard Energy Between Different Chemical Groups

The Interactive Energy Difference Between that of a Methylene Group and that of a Methyl Group with an Alkane Stationary Phase

The Thermodynamic Analysis of the Dispersive Interactions that Can Take Place between Different Solutes and High Molecular Weigh

Interactions Between the Atoms of Hydrogen, Carbon, Chlorine and Bromine and an Exclusively Dispersive Stationary Phase

Experimental Data

The Distribution of Standard Energy Between Different Types of Molecular Interactions


The Concept of Complex Formation

Other Thermodynamic Methods that are Used for Studying Chromatographic Systems

Optimum Operating Conditions for Chiral Separations in Liquid Chromatography

The Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Capacity Ratio

The Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Separation Ratio of the Two Enantiomers

The Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Required Column Efficiency

The Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Minimum Variance/Unit  Column Length (Hmin)

The Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Minimum Column Length

Effect of Temperature and Solvent Composition on the Optimum Velocity
