Plate Theory and Extensions


The Plate Theory

The Retention Volume of a Solute

The Conditions for Chromatographic Separation

The Capacity Ratio of a Solute

The Separation Ratio of Two Solutes

The Compressibility of the Mobile Phase

The Column Dead Volume

Chromatographic Dead Volumes

Experimental Examination of Dead Volume Measurement

The Gaussian Form of the Elution Equation

Retention Measurements on Close Eluting Peaks

Quantitative Analysis from Retention Measurements

Column Efficiency

The Position of the Points of Inflection

Resolving Power of a Column

Effective Plate Number

The Summation of Variances

The Maximum Sample Volume that Can Be Placed on a Chromatographic Column

Vacancy Chromatography

Temperature Changes During the Passage of a Solute Through a Theoretical Plate in Gas Chromatography

The Peak Capacity of a Chromatographic Column
